Ha ha ha, ok first I should be forthcoming and say that I don't really think that Gcinisizwe is a liar, but wow, when he told me that his grandparents (seen in the photo with him) are 94 and 81 I didn't believe him, they look like they are in their 50's! Yesterday was a very special day, the day that I met the grandparents for the first time. First his grandfather arrived at our home and we exchanged hello's, well sort of, I know very very little Xhosa but I am trying to learn! They spoke for some time and then Gcinisizwe brought out the bottle of Brady that he brought for his grandfather, it is customary here that when someone comes to visit from far away that they bring brandy for their loved ones.
Gcinisizwe was then sent to fetch his grandfather's friends, the elders of the community. One by one the men arrived and greeted both of us. The men sat on one side of our house and the women on the other side of our house. I noticed that Gcinisizwe's grandmother was not present, it turns out that she was so nervous to meet me that it took her some time to muster up the courage, but eventually, she came.
The day started off with Gcinisizwe giving an opening speech to thank his family, and then in turn his grandfather spoke and then poured a tiny bit of of brandy at the doorway to say thank you to the ancestors. Gcinisizwe and his friend Velelay shared responsibility of pouring drinks for the elders, first the men, then the women. At first I said no to the coke that was offered, thinking that Brandy would be sweet like sherry, but quickly realized that it was more like whisky so I from that point on said yes to the coke!
There was one woman there who could speak English which was wonderful because then she could translate for me and I could then talk to the elders. After a couple hours the elder ladies started talking amongst themselves and then looked at me and said that they have decided on my Xhosa name, Sandise pronounced, San-Dee-Say which is a very prestigious name to be given, it means to make the family stronger. I feel really privlidged to have this name.
This community has really embraced me, people come from all parts of the community to sit in our home and see me with their own eyes. It is really quite powerful in a country which previously lived under the Apartheid regime, and currently to this day lives under economic apartheid. It is a good message to start off the new year by saying that we are all equals, you are my brother, my sister, and together we will be stronger. Sandise.
"It is a good message to start off the new year by saying that we are all equals, you are my brother, my sister, and together we will be stronger. Sandise."
Catherine, you certainly are our "Sandise". We are very happy that you have found your place in the universe. Be safe and use your talents to help the community to thrive. We love you. Mom and Dad