Saturday, May 1, 2010

Rebuilding a Home

You may recall me metioning that one of my neighbours in Thembalethu was living in a house which was at a 35 degree angle and looked as though it may fall over at any minute. Well thanks to the generosity of all of you I have been able to not only build this man and his family a new house, but I also had enough to build a second house for another man who was living in a shack with only 3 walls, the 4th wall was just cardboard and was a very cold and wet place to sleep. Thank you so very much to those of you who stood up for these families to say "NO, this is an acceptable and I want to help!" No matter if you donated $150 or $5 you have given these families hope for the future.

This was the old house, it is in my opinion that in the spring time with the usual high winds that this house would have fallen down.

My good friend Nanza in the light blue building the house. Not only is Nanza my friend but he is also a carpenter and with an 80% unemployment rate he was very very grateful to have this job. The gentleman to the right was a neighbour passing by who stopped to help us.

Gcinisizwe seen here consulting with Nanza


  1. this is fantastic...great job happy to see this man and his family having a more comfortbale place to live. wow..amazing what a little money can do. keep up the great work.

  2. Thank you so very much Mark, it is amazing what we can accomplish together, and you are right, a little goes a long way! I rebuilt several homes while I was there and I would like to keep going. Keeping these wonderful families safe is very important to me.
