Monday, August 10, 2009

An ending to make you dance

Quay Quay (proper spelling unknown sorry) is a hard working 37 year old man with a wife, two small children and a baby. He was employed in the building industry in the near by city of George in South Africa. Quay Quay lives in zone 4 of Thembalethu and is one of the families that we help to support. Quay Quay makes less than $2 per day for all of his hard work and due to high unemployment rates has many mouths to feed including extended family.

On Friday August 7th this hard working man demanded that he be allowed to take a toilet break, he was tired of having to work for 9 hours a day without food or bathroom breaks. He was fired on the spot because he asked to be treated like a human being.

When I first heard his story my heart broke and I feared the worst for his family until I heard the last part of the story. See Quay Quay's family is one of the families that The Themba Development Project supports and as a result they have been receiving regular shipments of vegetable, bean and fruit seeds. This family would have been in a situation where they would have gone hungry for days on end if not weeks. There is a miracle at the end of this story because this family now has a full garden of vegetables, beans, and fruit to eat in addition to the monthly food supplies that we send.

This story really hit me like a brick wall, it made me realize what a gigantic difference that you and I have made in this community. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time, made financial donations, hugged me when I was feeling overwhelmed and supported me even when my ideas have seemed a little crazy. Look what we have done together, it is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. yeah! I can't imagine the joy you feel on a daily basis for doing something SO amazing!! We should feel happy for the community but also we should feel very happy that the world has someone like you, doing such great thing!
